Tuesday, March 11, 2008

welp, here we go

I was never a good diarist, nor did I figure out exactly what I wanted to blog about until yesterday, but somehow, I think this is the right thing to do.  It is not with a high purpose that I finally put type to blog, but instead as a new outlet.  A new way to get things out and move on.  And so, ladies and gentlemen, the theme upon which I choose to reflect is my obsession with things.  A perpetual student of things, I observe, notate, review, dissect, criticize, loathe, love, and desire the objects that surround us.  From the highest of design, to the lowliest of consumer products, I hope that this place will be a haven for objects and for my thoughts as an object nerd.  Yes, people are so much more important than things.  I hope that is a certainty.  Even so, it is often objects that help us to understand the people that love them.  We know so much about people by the objects they surround themselves with - we can't wait to see our friend's homes in order to really understand them, we judge (I judge) clothing, we hold onto to our mementos, and we throw away pounds of trash everyday.  We are, as ever, living in a material world.  And here, just like Madonna before me, I am a material girl.  

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